Lead The Field |
Reg.: I-240805
Brand: 72/3
Color: R/W spk
DOB: 4/16/2003
BW: 71.0
Weight: 1305.0 5/23/2008
Horns: 60.5 11/8/2007
Fielder |
Zigfield |
Zhivago |
King |
Safari B 496 |
Hot Phenomenon |
Phenomenon |
Prone To Be Hot |
Impression |
Measles Super Ranger |
Texas Ranger JP |
Measles |
Wix Impresiva 609 |
Impressive |
Wix 111C |
Blade of Melody |
Blade Of Senator |
Senator |
Overwhelmer |
Classic Reflection |
Rose Blade |
Bar M Don Abraham |
Ranger's Rose |
Melody |
Bar M Don Abraham 3/0 |
Don Quixote |
Damn High |
Mohagony |
Amigo Ranger |
Manchadita Ranger |