Drag Iron
Reg.: I-249000

Brand: RR 18/7

Color: R/W

DOB: 4/12/2007

BW: 64.0

Weight: 1345.0 - 6/15/2009

Horns : 69.75 - 10/12/2009
Jamakizm Shadowizm The Shadow Senator
Good Friday
Zither Zhivago
Bail News
Jamoka Circle K Donovan Senator
Miss Widespread Widespread 11/9
Doherty 174
Shining Victory Victory Lap Winchester Gizmo
Sadie Sam
Unattainable Unlimited
Ranch Lady
Shining Through Adrenalin Headliner FF248
The Shining The Shadow
Just It


Hoejer Texas Longhorn Cattle · www.texaslonghorn.dk . · Niels-Peter Hoejer · Tel.: 0045 2971 3090